Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another day another way, fighting the Yetzer harah

Continuing with my blog, thinking I am talking to myself and hoping that someone will discover my thoughts, I want to express a day in a life of Bas Elokim. Perhaps you can relate.

Waking up every morning thinking I need to conquer another day is hard for me. Yes there are many things I am blessed with and thank hashem for all the good I have, but of course, there are many struggle I go through as well. I need to stay strong for my family, for my friends and for myself. When you you walk through a day you see many good things and many bad things. I try to shield myself form the bad and write it off to the Yetzer Harah at work. So many around me are sleeping and do not realize the Yetzer harah playing with our minds. Baruch hashem I am one step further and at least recognize this.

I myself fall to the struggles of the yetzer harah and get angry, upset, scared and insecure. So I ask YOU, the world of bloggers, do you struggle with the same?

Do you try to feel hashem in your daily life and feel disconnected?

Do you want to strive for more and fall on a daily basis?

Do we help the ones who fall around us or just ignore and get angry?

The world is closing in and many people are suffering now. Its NOT a coincidence, it's the last chance we can do Teshuva. We need to take a hold of our suffering, grab it, conquer it and throw it away.We need to take charge of our minds and bodies and not let the yetzer harah win!

Can we think of ways, small tiny steps, to improve and go forward? Let me give you a few ideas:

1. smile to the ones you love
2. an encouraging word to a person in need
3. give a dollar to a pushka  will give you a taste of tzedkah
4. hug and kiss your kids, it does miracles
5. thank hashem with a word a day, say "thank you!" thats it!

Trust me, its hard, even the smallest thing. I struggle everyday to do whats right. If I have YOU to encourage me and tell me what you do it will help us all and bring mashiach faster!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Testing Testing 123

I woke up this morning and as I was doing my usually routine it hit me, why not start my own blog. There is so many thoughts I think about on a daily basis. So many ideas buried inside of me that I want to share.

Don't you ever wonder if people are going through the same troubles as you? 

How many times do you look at someone across the room wondering if she/he is thinking the same thoughts?

Walking down the street we all walk to the same rhythmic stride, tap on our cell phones, and constantly looking  for the right path to take.

Are we going in the right direction? Are we walking in the path of Hashem? Are cell phones a gateway to our tafkid in life? Or are we just throwing it all away?

This Morning of all morning  I woke up and it had occurred to me that  YOU , I and everyone around us need to know that WE as a TEAM are going through tough times together. That all yidden are really one and the same. Yes we feel so separate from each other with our separate lives, separate families, separate jobs and separate problems. However we are united as one unit in heaven.The faster all jews understand this the quicker we can bring Mashiach.

Yes! This blog is a test. My test. Can I inspire my fellow internet yidden? AS we all have test can you help me with mine?